Steam Name:
In-Game Name:
Current time In-Game:
~9 hours
did a staff member recommended you?:
N/A (Nex allowed me to re-apply so soon though)
Do you have a Mic?:
You understand you must be active?:
Past Staff Experience:
I am a former Community Manager and Head Developer/ULX Manager for LSN (Now known as VG). A former Manager/Head Developer for DG. A former Admin/Developer for ABS (now known as FSAS). A former Admin for FWG and SG. And Super Admin for RAG. There's more servers I have staffed on, I feel this gets the intended message across).
Reason for applying?:
There's always a lot of RDM, and with the current staff numbers, it's slow to fix, I simply seek to eradicate that aspect and allow fun to all.
Why should we hire you over others?:
Staff experience, knowledge of the LUA language along with other coding languages. I also possess obedience and a strict side when needed, but I'm mostly laid back and believe in giving verbal warnings (or use of the ulx warn command if you have it installed) before kicks/bans. I'm also a clean user, I only use console to pass judgement to keep player/chat logs cleared. I believe my staffing experience and knowledge of ULX surpasses that of the other potential candidates.
Tell me about yourself:
I am 13 and a freshman in high-school going to a private school in Washington State. Gaming is my escape from reality/hobby. I also know coding, the languages in software I know are Lua, Java, Javascript, Python and C++, I'm most fluent in Lua.
Steam Name:
In-Game Name:
Current time In-Game:
~9 hours
did a staff member recommended you?:
N/A (Nex allowed me to re-apply so soon though)
Do you have a Mic?:
You understand you must be active?:
Past Staff Experience:
I am a former Community Manager and Head Developer/ULX Manager for LSN (Now known as VG). A former Manager/Head Developer for DG. A former Admin/Developer for ABS (now known as FSAS). A former Admin for FWG and SG. And Super Admin for RAG. There's more servers I have staffed on, I feel this gets the intended message across).
Reason for applying?:
There's always a lot of RDM, and with the current staff numbers, it's slow to fix, I simply seek to eradicate that aspect and allow fun to all.
Why should we hire you over others?:
Staff experience, knowledge of the LUA language along with other coding languages. I also possess obedience and a strict side when needed, but I'm mostly laid back and believe in giving verbal warnings (or use of the ulx warn command if you have it installed) before kicks/bans. I'm also a clean user, I only use console to pass judgement to keep player/chat logs cleared. I believe my staffing experience and knowledge of ULX surpasses that of the other potential candidates.
Tell me about yourself:
I am 13 and a freshman in high-school going to a private school in Washington State. Gaming is my escape from reality/hobby. I also know coding, the languages in software I know are Lua, Java, Javascript, Python and C++, I'm most fluent in Lua.